EM (Educational Meeting) in action

There were two workshop groups, one aimed for primary school teachers, the other one targeted for teachers working in secondary schools. We explored themes such as quality education, health and well-being and sustainable development, with the specific focus on how to improve the students’ skills within these themes. Below, you´ll find some ideas and examples concerning these themes. And please check Danish Q-model!

Finnish Education system (National Board of Education in Finland)

Participation, involvement and building a sustainable future

- Sokrates cafĂ©: Once or twice a month, school arranges some snack and refreshments after school. All teachers and students are invited to work together in a same lobby (at school). While doing your own job you might need some help or to change some ideas with someone. There is always someone to help you: another student or teacher. We have noticed that at the same time we will get better idea what do we do after school. Also working all together strengthens sense of community. 

Working life competence, entrepreneurship and networking

Thinking and learning to learn

In everything we do at school, it is very significant to pay attention how we talk about things and what concepts we use. In Douzelage cities there will be  learning steps and no mistakes and instead of tests we are having knowledge parties!

Interaction and communication skills

Team and project working skills

Self management and self-evaluation skills

Personal goal setting skills

Q-model , click here


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